Wednesday, 1 June 2011


We're here! other than having to cut the bike box down a bit to fit through the x-ray all was fine with our flights and the scenery here is something else. Just a sneaky peek for now though, more when I'm not using a french laptop!

not at all frantic...

Oslo countryside

The far north

Jonas, our very useful fisherman friend!

That's our road!

all good after a calzone, sorted.

I hqte foreign keyboqrds&&&

We're also told tomorrow is a bank holiday and nowhere will be open so off to get food shortly, then getting a lift with our hosts boss to hopefully catch a glimpse of a midnight sun solar eclipse, does it get any better than this?!

Ciao for now!

(day 1, 2.65 miles)

1 comment:

  1. I bet you will take the train or bus to reach Oslo on time ;)

    How was your first day? Rainy?!!! :)

    good luck
