Friday, 10 June 2011

Island hopping...

What a week!

Grim weather to start us off out of Tromso; a headwind that stopped us dead more than once and just about enough sideways rain for the truly lovely Kine and Atle to bring us hot chocolate as we waited for a ferry near their home, ended up inviting us to stay for a wet and windy night in their! Since then the weather's been on the up and has now been boiling for a few days whilst we've ridden down the stunning Lofoten Islands... this place is unreal!

Thanks to everyone who's helped us already, it's been so much better for it!

Here's just a few to get you started:

Granny's burgers...

The sight (and smell) of the North

Our first self-caught meal!

Bedding down in a school playground hut... thank you very much!

Crazy girls, you would't believe quite how cold we were at this stage!

Boiled fish, rice, cheese and the almighty stock cube in Gryllefjord

Not so Bleik!

Camping in Sortland (11pm)

Hot pain-au-chocolat, living the dream...


Warming up in Melbu

Welcome to Lofoten, where the sun (nearly) always shines...

Our first wild camp

Not a car in sight, traffic has become an event!


One angry crab! Video to follow...

Arctic swimming, no problem!

Travellers diet; bread, cheese, salami.

Beer was invented for this night... nearly £20 for a 6 pack though!

Scorching by the sea

A busier road down Lofoten

1am in Å, ready for the Bodø ferry in the morning.

So all is well for now, we're heading down the number 17 road for the next 10 days of so into Trondheim so will check in again there.

Hope the weather brightens up for you at home!



  1. Hey Jeremy, Great to see some pics of your trip, I am in awe of your adventurousness! Hope the weather is better this week.. Hugh

  2. These photos are brilliant! It sounds as if you're having a fabulous time you crazy cycle boy! Much love to you both, keep safe little bro. xxx

  3. hey hey, good to see you dry! good continuation.

    NB : I burst my tire on the macadam! grrrr
